Our History
XL Industries Merges with Graham Group

XL Construction Named an ENR Top Green Buildings Contractor by ENR National

Co-Founder Eric Raff retired after 31 years with XL

ISPE - The Facility of the Year Awards

ENR 'Best of the Best' Award-Winning Project

ENR CA 2023 Best Projects Award of Merit – Excellence in Sustainability category, Government/Public Building category, Excellence in Safety category: County of San Mateo Navigation Center

#4 Largest General Contractors Silicon Valley List & Green Project and Community Impact, Confidential Project

2 out of 5 Living Building Challenge Buildings in California were built by XL

XL celebrates 30th Anniversary

12th consecutive year awarded President's Safety Award + Excellence in Safety Award (Construction Employers’ Association)

Oakland office opens

Richard Walker assumes CEO role

Excellence in Sustainability Award + Excellence in Safety Award of Merit (ENR Northern California)

1st TimberQuest™ project completed

TimberQuest mass timber solution launches

XL completed Tiny Homes projects with HomeAid

Contractor of the Year (ENR California)

#1 Best Places to Work in the Bay Area + #1 Bay Area Workplace Wellness Award (San Francisco Business Times / Silicon Valley Business Journal)

Global Best of the Best Award: Best Interiors / TI Project (ENR)

Healthcare Award of Merit + Excellence in Safety Award of Merit (ENR Northern California)

1st Mass Timber Campus in Commercial Sector

#1 Best Places to Work in the Bay Area (San Francisco Business Times / Silicon Valley Business Journal)

2nd Mass Timber project - The Lighthouse

Elevated Construction Services launches

Arrow Rental & Supply launches

Best Project Award K-12 Category + Best Project Award Manufacturing Category (ENR California)

#1 Best Places to Work in the Bay Area (San Francisco Business Times / Silicon Valley Business Journal)

Silicon Valley Structures People’s Choice Award (Silicon Valley Business Journal)

Mass Timber journey began

#1 Best Places to Work in the Bay Area (San Francisco Business Times / Silicon Valley Business Journal)

First time on ENR Top 400 Contractors in the Nation list

Bradley Concrete launches

XL is named Top Healthcare Contractor (Modern Healthcare)

Sacramento office opens

First time on Best Places to Work in the Bay Area list

Move to current Milpitas headquarters

XL hits 1 million man hours with no injuries

First LEED project (Sugen)

1st significant biotech project (Alza)

First $1m project (Intel Plaza)

Eric Raff and Dave Beck start XL Construction